The Most Beautiful East
The Most Beautiful East
85' (no intermission)

//premiere//Belarus – aNew//

During the process of theatrical art therapy, the experiences of the Belarusian protest participant’s began to resonate with the second part of Adam Mickiewicz’s Forefathers' Eve. The performance’s starting point are photographs taken by Zmicer Waynowski, a direct participant in the protests, who was able to capture all the main strands of these complex and dramatic events. In November 2020, Waynowski was arrested during a usual, weekly protest – the “Pensioners’ March”. He was sentenced to 13 days in jail based on the infamous paragraph 23.34. It was his last field job as photographer. After serving his sentence, he was subjected to further pressure and harassment and forced to leave the country. He currently lives in Lublin.


performance in Belarusian, with Polish and English subtitles


Section Biała strzałka w prawo
Premiered on 3 December 2021