The Divine Comedy began in snowy, fairy-tale Krakow. The festival had a strong opening - you could see "Death of a Salesman", "Oresteia", "Verry Funny" and "Balconies - Love Songs", the show of which ended long after midnight.
As every year, interest in the festival is huge - overbooking and fighting for tickets are the hallmarks of Boska. Almost 100 guests from abroad came to Krakow, and over 40 editorial offices were accredited. The whole thing is also supported by about 50 volunteers, who deserve special recognition - such a large event without their energy and enthusiasm would have no chance of success.
In Łaźnia Nowa, despite the expansion of the auditorium, all the extra beds and stairs were occupied during Krystian Lupa's performance. First reactions? "Balconies - Love Songs" shown yesterday at the festival is another proof that among Polish artists, no one treats theater as a deep conversation about human trauma, ridicule and unfulfillment like Lupa. “It's the Lupa I longed for, based on literature (The House of Bernarda Alba Lorca, Coetzee's Summer, Excerpts from Jelineki), and yet playing with literature on its own terms. And at the same time, for some, the performance is perhaps surprisingly communicative, at times very funny, and when it comes to the artist's attitude towards himself, it is refreshingly self-ironic," says Jacek Wakar, critic and selector of this year's edition. The show of "Oresteia" by Michał Zadara at AST showed the incredible energy of young creators and ended with huge applause, "VERY FUNNY" turned out to be, despite its brightness and expressiveness, also deeply reflective.